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Precisely How To Remain Eco-Friendly In Your Own Home

Going green is important for earth and for your health. There are many great things you can do for your home to make a greener living space. Six tips for a greener house!

1. Green Remodeling – Remodeling your home and being green can be a tricky task at hand. Be sure to use natural products for curtains and for furniture if possible when remodeling your home.

Hire local contractors that buy local products. The less the goods travel the more you save and the less gas and it takes to receive the goods. If you hire a painter make sure he buys from a local paint company. If you live in a cooler climate use dark colors and lighter colors in warmer areas.

It is hard to find untreated wood now but if you are lucky can find untreated timber close to home. Look for old houses and barns some people even tear them down and store the wood in the backyard. You might get lucky and find some beautiful naturally aged wood.

2. Weatherize – sealing your home is a good practice for saving energy and money.

A good way to test for cracks is using a flashlight at night and shining through the seals to see if you see any light. You can also apply sealant around window cracks and doors.

3. Cleaning up – It is a good practice cleaning your deck once a year of mold and mildew. A scummy deck can be dangerous and cause rotting and bowing in your wood.

Using natural soaps for dishes and your body is a good practice.

4. Shopping – Any time you shop, buying fresh produce, it is fantastic for your health and saves from wasting packaging.

Instead of buying sodas make tea or just drink water. Containers are good for food storage or for growing plants.

Buying and selling from auction sites is another great way to recycle.

5. Reuse & Recycle – Use bleach free toilet paper that is at least 80% post-consumer.

Instead of using paper napkins use cloth napkins. Build a mini recycling center in your home to separate your garbage.

6. Energy Conservation – Consistently turn the lights out when you’re not in the room and switch off exterior lights when you don’t require them.

Use energy-saving compact fluorescents instead of incandescent. You will see a huge difference in your power bill and you will also be emitting less pollution.

Water catch systems are proven valuable in many urban areas and has been implemented into green farms also. Catching your water is a great way store water for your garden and use when water levels are down.

Going green is a healthy lifestyle that is good for your soul and spirit. It often is passed on to others and easier to do than you think.

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