Monthly Archives: April 2010

Homeowners Can Receive An Energy Rebate For Going Green

Green energy incentives are having a huge impact on our culture and permeating almost every area of society, from office equipment to home appliances. There is a multi-million dollar national effort to encourage people to use green energy in residential dwellings and business facilities. An energy rebate program gives customers money back for installing energy efficient equipment in their homes and businesses. The go green initiative is defined by ways to save energy and conserve our natural resources.

Homeowners in particular, receive a great benefit by participating in any of the see programs by upgrading their old appliance or heating and cooling equipment to newer, more energy efficient models. This is a two-fold savings for the homeowner in that the energy rebate allows them to afford new equipment that they may otherwise be unable to and the lower monthly bills but cutting energy use.

These homeowner incentive programs help individuals procure the energy saving equipment that they need for the house. A more efficient hot water heater can help to lower monthly costs and appliances that power partially down when not in use can help to do the same thing. Even the smallest of changes to a home can make a big difference over time.

Many home appliances today are made to encourage everyday consumers to use their resources wisely and effectively during use and well as when they are not being used. The green effort can be incorporated into everyday life as people use their appliances and other home equipment, such as light fixtures and ceiling fans, in a cost-effective manner. Homeowners can receive energy-saving incentives as a thank-you from green energy companies to support the green cause.

Not only do appliances fall under the rebate programs, but many other pieces of household equipment such as window air conditioners, high efficiency water heaters and even TVs with a power save mode can qualify. The smallest upgrade to a home may qualify the homeowner for a rebate and on top of that they will save even more on their monthly utility bills with these pieces of equipment.

By going green, a homeowner can get much needed upgrades for the house and possibly put a little money into other energy saving home products. This in turn, helps stimulate the economy by allowing consumers to get more for their money. In doing so, a cleaner environment can be created for all along with strengthening the economy at the same time.

There are federal programs as well as smaller agencies that offer an energy rebate for residential customers to conserve energy. A careful online search can open the door to money-saving and energy-saving opportunities for home equipment. Supporting green energy is something that everyone can take part in to promote a renewed economy and clean, healthy planet.

At our site we have many great write ups on Federal as well as State rebate initiatives and we provide links to many many great resources. Please visit Fluorescent High Bay and our blog to see how you can apply to these programs for great savings for going green.

About Going Green

My brother and I came to the conclusion that real estate seemed like something that both of us had a good head for, and we decided to purchase the rights to a well known real estate agency name and append it to our own. Things seemed to be looking up for us and for our company.

We went out there and invested in commercial real estate, primarily, and we also got our hands on private homes and put them for sale under our name. Our achievements mainly surrounded bringing the customers and maintaining the facilities.

All was going well until, one day, one of our tenants read up on the benefits of going green, that is, the idea of becoming more environmentally aware about one’s surroundings and promoting practices that help protect the environment.

Although my brother and I felt negatively towards the idea at first because of the fact that it seemed to be nothing more than an attempt to get us to renovate buildings into entirely new ones for no good reason, we decided to research the matter anyway.

We found out that by going green in certain areas of our work, many parts of our work will become much easier and maybe even cheaper too.

Company cars can be hybrids instead of gas guzzlers. This would save the company hundreds of dollars a year on gas as well as serve as a much more environmentally friendly car. A major point of discussion was also the benefits of solar power.

There are also other concepts like assessing the energy efficiency of a home. This is done in order to detect where energy intake could be eliminated in order to minimize the amount of energy that would be needed for every home, which would, in turn, cost us much less as the landlords.

There are many more advantages to going green that we are learning about, and we are discovering how they can help us in our business and the surrounding environment too. Take a look into it; it just might be worth your while too.

Betty Crain-Hyde is an expert environmentalist and “going green” authority. For more details regarding the benefits of “going green” by methods of solar training, LEED certification, and other methods as well, check out the Clean Edison website online. Betty is an SEO specialist working with SEO services group ClickResponse.

Coethica & Corporate Social Responsibility

David Connor’s Coethica is a UK company founded on embedded ethical values who offer specialist expertise across the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) spectrum to private, public and voluntary sector organisations whatever shape or size.

Business responsibility is a rapidly emerging management area focusing an organisation’s ethos toward balancing economic, social and environmental impact. Most businesses already consider these impacts even if they don’t call it CSR, but the maximum benefits from a strategic identification of relevant opportunities are very often missed.

CSR is not a particular goal that can be achieved, but a themed journey that improves business performance.

Find out more on David’s sites and blogs at

Precisely How To Remain Eco-Friendly In Your Own Home

Going green is important for earth and for your health. There are many great things you can do for your home to make a greener living space. Six tips for a greener house!

1. Green Remodeling – Remodeling your home and being green can be a tricky task at hand. Be sure to use natural products for curtains and for furniture if possible when remodeling your home.

Hire local contractors that buy local products. The less the goods travel the more you save and the less gas and it takes to receive the goods. If you hire a painter make sure he buys from a local paint company. If you live in a cooler climate use dark colors and lighter colors in warmer areas.

It is hard to find untreated wood now but if you are lucky can find untreated timber close to home. Look for old houses and barns some people even tear them down and store the wood in the backyard. You might get lucky and find some beautiful naturally aged wood.

2. Weatherize – sealing your home is a good practice for saving energy and money.

A good way to test for cracks is using a flashlight at night and shining through the seals to see if you see any light. You can also apply sealant around window cracks and doors.

3. Cleaning up – It is a good practice cleaning your deck once a year of mold and mildew. A scummy deck can be dangerous and cause rotting and bowing in your wood.

Using natural soaps for dishes and your body is a good practice.

4. Shopping – Any time you shop, buying fresh produce, it is fantastic for your health and saves from wasting packaging.

Instead of buying sodas make tea or just drink water. Containers are good for food storage or for growing plants.

Buying and selling from auction sites is another great way to recycle.

5. Reuse & Recycle – Use bleach free toilet paper that is at least 80% post-consumer.

Instead of using paper napkins use cloth napkins. Build a mini recycling center in your home to separate your garbage.

6. Energy Conservation – Consistently turn the lights out when you’re not in the room and switch off exterior lights when you don’t require them.

Use energy-saving compact fluorescents instead of incandescent. You will see a huge difference in your power bill and you will also be emitting less pollution.

Water catch systems are proven valuable in many urban areas and has been implemented into green farms also. Catching your water is a great way store water for your garden and use when water levels are down.

Going green is a healthy lifestyle that is good for your soul and spirit. It often is passed on to others and easier to do than you think.

Learn more Birmingham AL Painter from a green Birmingham Painter This and other unique content ” articles are available with free reprint rights.

Business Failures Anonymous

Join BFA

Business Failures Anonymous is a support network for entrepreneurs who need a support/buddy network in the real world.

Although there will be some virtual exchanges on blogs and forums etc, BFA recognises that there is a wealth of professional business advice readily available elsewhere but also believes that there is a lack of emotional support for people facing potentially serious consequences of a failed business.

BFA’s mission is to revitalise real world contact for people who may be struggling to come to terms with their situation and who seek support from people in similar situations.

From Business Link to NHS Shrink**
Another aim is to provide business start-ups with “devil’s advocate” advice and support. BFA feels that business failure is an area which needs serious attention especially in the current climate and, having spoken to other business failures who have felt ‘abandoned’, BFA do not believe ‘sob stories’ are isolated cases. BFA hope to relate experiences and offer them positively both as ‘worst-case scenario’ advice for pre-start ups and as moral support for post-failures, two aspects of the business life-cycle that seem to be sorely lacking.

(** For non-UK readers, Business Link is a government-funded business advice network and NHS is the UK health service)

Green Business Will Assist Your Company To Cut Spending

Green business practices is a great boost for your company’s public image. You will be seen as company that does the responsible thing, no matter what. What is really even better is that few of them really realize that you are also cutting costs and helping your profit margin all at the same time. It turns out that being environmentally conscious is also quite good for the bottom line.

The fastest way to reduce the amount of trash and waste that you have is to reduce what you start off with. Check out your entire operation and carefully evaluate what is being wasted. If there is scrap leftover, then there is money being thrown away. Check and see if you could save money, and emissions, in your shipping practices by adjusting the schedules or routes. Take a long look around your office and start to think about how much of the paper you really need.

Why should loose leaf paper be purchased? Even writing tablets can be produced in house. Take the paper that gets all wrinkled in the fax or copier jam, cut it up and use it for phone messages. Make sure that both sides of paper are used at all times. Finally, make sure that when it is used, it finds its way to the recycling bin and not the trash.

Paperless billing, invoicing, and inventories are a growing trend. Having the paper system means lots of work to create a lot of waste in the end. That gets really expensive. It could really take two or more employees to send out paper invoices. Move to a paperless system will reduce not only the cost of materials, but also the cost of the labor to prepare and send everything out. Make paperless the standard, and then charge an additional fee to anyone requesting a paper copy to cover the addition labor and material costs.

Wouldn’t you love to cut down the cost of business travel? By reducing the number of trips made for business, you not only save money, but also reduce the emissions that your company creates. If traveling for meetings is a common occurrence between two offices then look into web conferencing. You may have to pay a small fee to set it up, but it will be lower than the cost of paying people to go from one place to another.

Maintaining office space gets expensive. The less office space that you use, the less money it will cost you. By changing some of the jobs on your staff to be available for flexible schedules, or purely telecommute, you can rapidly cut down on the amount of space you need for your office. You could also arrange for people to work in shifts so that office space is shared between people. Not only will you lower energy consumption within the office, but people will not be driving their cars into work everyday. In one swift move you can improve your public image, boost employee morale, help the environment, and save money.

Recycling bins need to be clearly marked and easy to find throughout your building. Before throwing away anything make sure that it does not belong in the recycling bin instead of the trash can. Several cities and communities have instituted steep fines for not recycling.

Doing the right thing generally has a nice reward, and adopting green business practices are no exception. As the need to care for the environment becomes more understood, there are more tax breaks available for companies that do their share to make the world a cleaner place. There are also many grants available to implement eco-friendly changes. Look into it, you could be missing out on a lot.

Find the best ways to make your company a green business. Green Businesses are ones that show they care about the environment, show your support to this cause. Head online and find out more now.