Tag Archives: zeitgest

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

Can you spare 2.5 hours with an open mind to watch an analysis of where we are and an alternative for getting out of our global mess? Will our children and children’s children look back at our continuing insistence on hydro-carbons in the same way we look back at the slave system?

Watch on YouTube now or see below for the synopsis and trailer

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which Continue reading

Resource Based Economy – The Zeitgeist Movement Newsletter Aug-Sep 2010

This second newsletter from The Zeitgeist Movement again presents interesting articles and opinions on the current global economy and resources.

Extracts Continue reading

Resource Based Economy – Radio “Lecture Series”

Peter Joseph- Radio “Lecture Series”

Starting Wed., Sept. 29th, Peter Joseph of the Zeitgeist Movement will be holding an 8 week lecture run on the topics below.

[Each Show will be at 4pm EDT www.blogtalkradio.com/peter-joseph ]

Series Topics: Continue reading

Resource Based Economy – Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical “life ground” attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a “Resource-Based Economy”.

Resource Based Economy – The Zeitgeist Movement Newsletter July 10

This first newsletter from The Zeitgeist Movement presents some interesting articles and opinions on the current global economy and resources.


Where are we now?
Peter Joseph reviews the history of The Movement’s developments during the short period since its inception in late 2008. The Zeitgeist Movement is a sustainability advocacy organization and seeks to transition into a new social system, called a “Resource-Based Economy” which seeks to base social organization on Resource Management and Preservation as the initial starting point of all relevant earthly decisions.
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The Scientific Method Exposed
By: Karen E. Siragusa
Everyone uses the scientific method every day, all the time. This is simply the process by which we intake data through our 5 senses from our environment, create databanks in our brains, and then use whatever critical thinking skills we learn from other humans to process/link this data… and of course, draw conclusions. So, everyone is a scientist!
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Technology Corner: The Aerospace Perspective
By: Douglas Mallette
One of the biggest things we discuss is sustainability, not just of our energy systems, but of every product we make. Planned obsolescence, or at least the basic notion that products are made on the cheap so they fetch the most profit, is something that cannot go on, else our natural resources will be obliterated in just a few generations and humanity will suffer as a result. Let’s focus on something I am personally working on, an automated hydroponic farm facility.
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Economics: A Resource Based Economy
By: Stuart Dobson
A Resource Based Economy – Jacque Fresco’s idea of a system where all goods and services are available without money, credits, barter or any other form of debt or servitude – is a paradigm shattering concept. The idea changes the focus of how society works on a fundamental level, causing a ripple of profound implications to permeate all of society. For many, removing the corruption of the monetary system is a logical step, which will manifest our innermost hopes and dreams, revealing a beautiful ideal world. Yet, much of the vision of a Resource Based Economy is in the future.
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Economics: The Profit Problem
By: Peter Joseph
The fact is, every single act of monetary gain is based on a form of dishonesty… only this dishonestly is simply retermed as “competitive”. In the marketing world everything is driven by “advantage”. The “competitive edge” is nothing more than a passive corruption where competing companies seek to “out do” each other in whatever way they can for the sake of market share. The very act of seeking differential advantage is to be engaged in the abuse of another person or group.
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Using The Political System as a Soapbox
By: Neil Kiernan aka VTV, host of VRADIO
In the depression, there were all these men up on soapboxes (literally up on soapboxes, this is where the term came from) talking about their various solutions to mankind’s troubles? The “soapbox” in that sense has been replaced by the internet, the radio, and the television. There are people who are not satisfied with things the way they are who are looking for people on these soapboxes to give them suggestions as to a better direction. We can get on that soapbox in the form of caucuses within the political system who’s sole purpose is to offer a nonpolitical solution.
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What does the Zeitgeist Movement mean when it refers to providing an “Abundance” for all the worlds people, when you also talk about the need for preservation of finite resources? Isn’t this a contradiction? What if I want a 100 room mansion on my own personal island?
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Quote of the month…

The greatest and most important problems of life are all, in a sense, insoluble. . . . They can never be solved, but only outgrown.
Carl Jung